How can I use GEON Network?


The beauty of this project lies in its versatility. GEON Network’s platform allows anyone to adjust it to their needs and here are as many use cases as there are users.

Let’s take a look at some examples:

Marketing and advertising — a business can create a Geon at a specific location to attract customers while building brand awareness.

The Geons can have an embedded brand or be in the shape of a product logo which will be visible via the AR application. Each Geon is essentially a virtual banner loaded with Geon Coins.

The coins can be converted to other crypto or fiat currencies, or made redeemable for products or specific rewards (just like old-school loyalty programs).

For example: a café could offer a discount to customers who redeem Geon Coins at the checkout.

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Geons can also be placed in high traffic areas, such as shopping malls, music concerts, movie theatres, etc. — to promote a brand or product. And since it will be possible to customise the Geons (for example, make it look like a cup of coffee or a can of soda), this creates an amazing way to reach potential clients or keep in touch with existing ones.

In the case of market research, data gathered from individuals across various locations is crucial. An agency can set up Geons in a location(s)of interest, load their Geons with funds that will serve as a reward for participation, and set a geomining policy that requires the miner to complete a questionnaire. This allows for quick research at a relatively low cost.

Global Geons (Geons mineable from any place around the world without the need for physical presence) can make market research even easier.

Geon was always meant to be fun. Various games and competitions were planned to be possible from the very beginning — especially since the entire team behind Geon are gamers in one way or another.

One example is geocaching, an outdoor recreational activity where the goal is to find items hidden in specific locations. Instead of using physical items, participants can use Geons, which eliminates the need for the geocacher to physically travel to each place — this allows a level of complexity that would be very difficult to achieve with traditional methods.

Mobile Geons can also be bound to a moving target to implement a “follow the leader” type of event. If you look at the Geon Network as a type of a modular game — there is no limit as to what you can create.

Geons are social by nature. They can be used to increase participation in various social events: parades, festivals, flash-mobs, blood donation drives, and many more.

For example: a parade organiser could create mobile Geons tethered to smartphones carried by the parade leader, and the selected participants throughout the parade can set a geomining rule allowing anyone in a certain range of these mobile Geons to mine Geon Coins at a continuous rate. Not only would this encourage more people to join the event, but it also ensures that they can easily follow the parade route and possibly redeem the Geon Coins for branded merchandise.

Charitable giving and fundraising is another area that could benefit from GEON’s app. Using the app, anyone could set up a Geon at a location affected by a natural disaster, war, or other tragic event. This Geon can be loaded with Geon Coins by people across the world and be accessed immediately, converted to local currency, and distributed among those affected.

In cases where a Geon Coin is not easily convertible to local currency, it may be used as a voucher that can be exchanged for goods and services.

For example, a legal entity (a registered charity, for example) could set up a Geon and use their own advertising channels to promote it, so that many people can chip in to help. This creates a fully transparent way for anyone to participate without having to wonder where their money actually went.

Crowdfunding is yet another area in which GEON Network can improve the way things are done today.

Verified non-profit organisations, public institutions, or NGOs can raise funds using Geons. For example: a foundation can place a Geon at an event or outside their office building. Participants will be able to send Geon Coins to the Geon, which can only be withdrawn by the foundation or its beneficiary (as per the geomining policy set by the Geon owner).

Since GEON Network uses state-of-the-art geolocation technology, it is a perfect tool for attendance verification. Geon can be placed at any location where presence needs to be managed and confirmed.

For example: an employer or school principal may create a geomining policy which allows for mining between 8:45 am and 9:00 am. Employees or students who come to work on time can geomine coins and record a proof of presence at a specific time. This opens many possibilities for fun reward systems and social events.

We can’t stress enough that all of the examples listed above are only that — examples. Those are starting points for the GEON community and we see so many new ideas appearing every day.

This is something we’re extremely happy about. This is what GEON Network was always meant to be — a global playground and a tool to help everyone Expand their Reality!

Want to see the Geon app in action? Watch this video, produced by Galvanize!

