How you can copy the real world to your screen using AR


Remember the dog face selfies everyone suddenly started taking on Snapchat a few years back? It was a fairly new product of augmented reality. I think most of us know about this function of augmented reality where the technology places digital objects in our physical world. Such Snapchat filters were start of a completely new branch of technologies. Today, the technology has developed to such an extent that the digital objects can move around.

But the technology is developing even more. I recently came across a video that blew my mind. It showed a person using his phone camera to cut images of physical objects around him and paste them directly onto the document on his computer.

The demo was created by Cyril Diagne (@cyrildiagne on Twitter) and it shows what a part of our future could look like.

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The code that Diagne used to create the technology has been put up on Github, to enable other developers to help improving the code. So, if you feel confident with coding, you should really check it out.

I am not really an expert when it comes to new technologies and augmented reality, but it does interest me a lot. Especially coming from a communication background, I find it interesting to think about the possibilities of these new developments.

For one, the cut and paste function could be a great tool in the digital design world. It saves a lot of time from having to use photo shop. The possibilities would be endless with this tool.

Furthermore, augmented reality has become a prevalent technology to consider in communication. Storytelling is a type of communication that is regularly used by companies in their advertising. The use of augmented reality could easily lift storytelling to a whole new level.

On top of that, the cut and paste function could drastically change our use of social media. Currently, social media is mainly a place to share photos and texts. But there is serious chance that such technologies could allow the regular public to become design pros in, for example, their social media posts.

The app TikTok is currently very trending among the younger generations but it is becoming more widely used. The app already offers loads of filters and effects that the users can use on their videos. It ranges from a rainbow filter that makes it look like you are in the club, to an effect where the person is tripled.

The possibilities that the cut and paste technology offers social media apps are great. I am very curious to see how it will continue to develop and what it will entail for our future use of media.

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