Introducing BinaryFace SDK 0.5 with Three Prominent Changes

189 facial points, pupil & iris tracking, action trigger and more


BinaryFace SDK 0.5

The long-awaited BinaryFace SDK 0.5 has just arrived. Major, yet essential functions are now available for you — at the industry-leading quality. We hope all these new changes ultimately allow your service to be exceptional!

Summary of BinaryFace SDK 0.5

  • Accuracy has significantly improved allowing us to track 189 facial points and to apply sophisticated augmented effects.
  • Nonetheless, the highlight of this update would be the state-of-the-art pupil & iris tracker.
  • Additionally, we included action trigger functionality for dynamic effects to happen.

1. Improved Accuracy

<189 facial points including iris & pupil landmarks>

BinaryFace tracking quality has significantly improved overall, and the tracker now captures 189 facial points! From the previous 66 facial points, we almost tripled the facial points.

The improvement is based on our facial database. We structured our database expertly so that the tracking algorithm can be optimized. As an extension of the effort, we included selected data of varying conditions such as race, facial expressions, head pose, etc. Our database is exponentially expanding at the same time thanks to utilizing deep learning algorithm. An upcoming article will be about how much we improved through deep learning so keep up with us!

As a result, the level of jitter minimized while the tracker is capturing the precise facial components. Compared to the previous 66 points, the new version closely captures all the subtle facial movements in every aspect — eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth movements. One of the most significant improvement would be in higher tracking quality while rotating the head at different angles.

Improved accuracy enables delicate AR effects. For example, a user can apply makeup effect, and it will stay on one’s face like it is real. Changing one’s eyebrow styles, eye makeup, or lip colors requires reliable tracking quality regarding jitter and accuracy — unlike other simple effects covering vast amount of your face.

2. Pupil & Iris Tracking

If you follow us on Facebook, you probably have seen the eye tracking demo video already. The function is now integrated into our SDK and the tracker robustly captures the pupil & iris. As a part of stabilizing the function, we have continually strived to improve the general eye/eyebrow tracking quality. Now, the tracker covers a broadened spectrum of eye/eyebrow muscle movements.

<pupil & iris tracking demo>

With newly added pupil & iris tracking, a user can change the color of pupils as if wearing contact lenses. If you have a hard time choosing one color, just know that now it is possible to change the eye color of individual pupil into green and brown!

Also, we are expecting to develop the eye gaze tracker based upon this pupil & iris tracking feature in the next version SDK. Follow us on Facebook to catch up with our updates in the meantime.

3. Action Trigger

Action trigger has come back with enhanced agility. It captures trigger movements to activate pre-designated animations. To improve it, we supplanted the previous algorithm entirely through an internal quality evaluation. The new algorithm is faster and precise at the lowest error rate. Facial expressions that can be utilized as a trigger are these — winking, raising one’s eyebrows, lowering one’s eyebrows, opening one’s mouth, smiling, and kissing.

Let us say you are developing an app highly dependent on real-time video chats. A user winks at the partner and hearts start to float around him/her. Or a user applies ‘Santa’ AR mask for Christmas and whenever the person laughs ‘Hohoho,’ the tracker detects one’s mouth opened, and gifts pop up!

Better yet Compact SDK

These added functions do not necessarily mean increased library size through the magic of optimization. The number of tracking points have tripled while the library size has been reduced by a third.

To empower all developers of varying conditions, our team is continuously striving for the SDK to be optimized in every way. We hope our new BinaryFace SDK 0.5 will support mobile AR content creators to provide a reliable customer experience at a higher satisfaction!

Follow us and check out our blog to be updated on BinaryVR’s vision and technology! BinaryVR brings humanity into the virtual world from the very front line of cutting-edge technology.



Hyprsense develops real-time facial expression tracking technology to light up the creation of live animation.