
Augmented Reality as the Future of Vehicle Manuals

Overview and Problem

Camping vans have exploded in popularity over recent years. These converted fleet vehicles can be seen all across the internet with interiors that rival some homes. Since these vehicles are not used for everyday driving they can be optimized for camping nirvana. Their large size also allows for added systems such as heating, cooling, plumbing, and even solar connected batteries.

Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash

Cooperate enterprises are now getting in on the action and renting out top of the line camping vans. The problem arises however when someone who didn't convert the van themselves rents one of these intricate machines. Currently, rentals companies have to spend a lot of time educating renters about how to use each system.

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How might we create a way to educate van renters about the intricate systems of their van?

Our Solution

I teamed up with classmate Heather Kraft to prototype an augmented reality (AR) mobile app that could help educate renters. The app centered around AR demonstrations of systems on her converted camping van. Simplicity was key when designing the app. If our intention was to make education simple, the app could not get in the way.

3d models were created to match the on van systems. These were then imported to Spark where they were centered onto image anchors. When a device’s camera spots one of these anchors it displays the model. Clicking on the model then starts its subsequent animation.

Spark node editor. These allowed for a tap to start the 3d model animations.


Cinema 4D (3D models)

Spark (AR Assets)

Adobe XD (App Mockup)

Growing pains are normal with the usage of any new software. Having worked with Spark to create branded AR filters before, I took the lead on this section of the project. Creating the tap to start of the animations was very simple but getting it to pause on a secondary tap was more difficult.

The models did

Challenges and Issues


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